16 Incredible Cement Types With Uses and Properties
1. Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC): The ingredients are mixed in the proportion of about two parts of calcareous materials to one part of argillaceous materials and then crushes and ground in ball mills. This mixture is burnt at about 1500-degree Celsius and cooled where gypsum is added to it and grounded again to the requisite fineness.

Properties of OPC Cement:
- Fineness – 225 sq. metre/kg
- Soundness – 2.5mm
- Normal Consistency – 25%
- Initial Setting Time – 30 minutes
- Final Setting Time – 600 minutes
- Specific Gravity – 3.12 Mg/cubic. metre
- Bulk Density – 830 to1650 330 kg/cubic. metre
- Compressive Strength is 16 N/sq.mm & 22 N/sq.mm for 3 & 7 days respectively
- Loss of Ignition
Uses: This type of cement is used for general Construction Purposes where special properties are not required such as reinforced concrete buildings, bridges, pavements and can be used at normal soil conditions. This Cement type mostly used in Concrete Masonry Units.
2. Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC): It is manufactured by grinding Portland Cement Clinker and Pozzolana (usually fly ash or burnt clay, shale which has no cementing value). Pozzolana, when combines with lime produce stable lime-pozzolana compound, has cementitious properties.
The hardening of PPC consists in Hydration of Portland Cement Clinker compounds and then in the interaction of the pozzolana with Calcium Hydroxide released during Hardening of clinker.

- With the above effect PPC acquires greater Water Resisting Property than OPC.
- Initial Setting Time of OPC is faster than PPC. So, OPC is recommended in projects where properties are to be removed early.
Properties of PPC Cement:
- Fineness should not be less than 300 sq. metre/kg
- Initial Setting Time – 30 minutes
- Final Setting Time – 600 minutes
- Drying Shrinkage should not be more than 0.15%
- Compressive Strength should be as follows:
72 + or – 1 hour not less than 16 N/sq.mm
168 + or – 2 hour not less than 22 N/sq.mm
672 + or – 4 hour not less than 33 N/sq.mm
Uses: PPC Cement has low heat evolution & used in places of mass concrete such as dams and also in places of high temperature.
3. Portland Slag Cement (IS: 455): PSC is manufactured by a mixture of Portland Cement Clinker and granulated slag with the addition of gypsum.

Properties of PSC Cement:
- The Setting times and Compressive strength are the same as that of 33 grade OPC Cement.
- Chemical Properties are the same as that of 33 grade OPC Cement
- Specific Surface should not be more than 10mm (by Le-Chatelier Method) and 0.8% (by Autoclave Test)
Uses: It can be used in all places where OPC is used. Due to the low heat of Hydration, it can also be used for mass concreting i.e., Dams, Foundations, etc.
4. Rapid Hardening Portland Cement (IS: 8041): RHC is obtained from OPC Clinker by finer grinding (450 sq. metre/kg). For a controlled setting rate, gypsum is added during the manufacturing process.

Note: The Cost of Rapid Hardening Cement (RHC) is about 10% more than the OPC Cement.
Properties of RHC Cement:
- Initial Setting Time – 30 minutes
- Final Setting Time – 10 Hours
- Compressive Strength as follows:
1 day – 16.0 N/sq.mm
3 days – 27.5 N/sq.mm
Uses: It is suitable for repairing roads and bridges and when a load is applied in a short period.
5. High Alumina Cement (IS: 6452): It is obtained by finely grinding the fusion of 40% bauxite, 40% lime, 15% iron oxide with a little ferric oxide & silica, magnesia at a very high temperature where the alumina content should not be less than 32%.

Note: It is not a type of Portland Cement
Properties of High Alumina Cement:
- Fineness should not be less than 225 sq. metre/kg
- Not Quick Setting
- Initial Setting Time – 30 minutes, even up to 2 Hours
- Final Setting Time should not be more than 600 minutes
- High early strength (Attains strength in 24 Hours)
- High Heat of Hydration
- Chemical Attack Resistant
- Compressive Strength after one day and 3 days are 30 N/sq.mm and 35 N/sq.mm respectively
- Cement Expansion should not be more 5mm
Uses: It is resistant to fire, water and sulphates & is used as refractory concrete in Industries. Widely used for precasting and should be used in places where the temperature exceeds 18 degrees Celsius.
6. Supersulphate Portland Cement (IS: 6909): It is manufactured by intergrinding a mixture of granulated blast furnace slag not less than 70%, calcium sulphate & small quantity of 33 grade Portland Cement. In this, Tricalcium Aluminate which is susceptible to sulphates is limited to less than 3.5%.

Properties of Supersulphate Portland Cement:
- Fineness – 400 sq. metre/kg
- Initial Setting Time should not be less than 30 minutes
- Final Setting Time should not be more than 600 minutes
- Low Heat of Hydration
- Chemical Attack Resistant (In particular to sulphates)
- Compressive Strength should be as follows:
72 + or – 1 hour not less than 15 N/sq.mm
168 + or – 2 hour not less than 22 N/sq.mm
672 + or – 4 hour not less than 30 N/sq.mm
- Cement Expansion – 5mm
Uses: It is used for a similar purpose as Common Portland Cement. Due to its higher water resisting property, it is preferred in hydraulic engineering installation and also in constructions intended for service in moist media.
7. Sulphate Resisting Portland Cement: It is manufactured by grinding and intimately mixing calcareous and argillaceous and other silica, alumina and iron oxide bearing materials. In this cement, the amount of tricalcium aluminate is restricted to on acceptably low value (<5%)

Properties of Sulphate Resisting Portland Cement:
- Fineness – 400 sq. metre/kg
- Compressive Strength should be as follows:
72 + or – 1 hour not less than 10 N/sq.mm
168 + or – 2 hour not less than 16 N/sq.mm
672 + or – 4 hour not less than 33 N/sq.mm
- Setting times are same as OPC
- Cement Expansion – 5mm
- Specific Surface should not be less than 225 sq. metre/kg
Uses: Alternative to OPC, PPC & PSC under normal conditions and is restricted to use under 40-degree Celsius. Using this is beneficial where the concrete is exposed to the risk of deterioration due to sulphate attack
8. Low Heat Portland Cement (LHC): To limit the heat of hydration of LHC, the tricalcium aluminate component in cement in minimised and a high percentage of dicalcium silicate & tetra calcium alumino ferrite is added. The heat of hydration should not be more than 272 & 314 J/g at the end of 7 and 27 days respectively.

Note: The development rate of strength is slow but the ultimate strength is the same as that of OPC. To meet this requirement, the specific surface is increased to about 3200 sq.cm/g
Properties of Low Heat Portland Cement:
- During Setting, less heat is evolved
- Initial Setting Time should not be less than 60 minutes
- Final Setting Time should not be more than 600 minutes
- Compressive Strength should be as follows:
72 + or – 1 hour not less than 10 N/sq.mm
168 + or – 2 hour not less than 16 N/sq.mm
672 + or – 4 hour not less than 35 N/sq.mm
Uses: Most suitable for large mass concrete works such as huge raft foundations, dams, etc.
9. Quick Setting Portland Cement: It is manufactured by adding a small percentage of aluminium sulphate and reduced quantity of gypsum. It is finely grounded than that of OPC Cement.

Properties of Quick Setting Portland Cement:
- Initial Setting Time – 5 minutes
- Final Setting Time – 30 minutes
Uses: Used when concrete is to be laid underwater or in running water
10. Masonry Cement: The Portland cement clinker is ground & mixed intimately with pozzolanic material (Fly ash or calcined clay) or non-pozzolanic (inert) materials (limestone, conglomerate, dolomite, granulated slag), waste materials (carbonate sludge, mine tailings), gypsum in air entertaining plasticizer in suitable proportions.

Properties of Masonry Cement:
- Initial Setting Time – 90 minutes (By Vicat Apparatus)
- Final Setting Time – 24 Hours (By Vicat Apparatus)
- Soundness:
a) Le-Chatelier expansion – 10mm
b) Autoclave Expansion – 1%
Uses: Specially Manufactured to produce Masonry Mortar. Used in brick, concrete block, stone masonry construction and can also be used as Stone Plaster.
11. White Cement: It is manufactured from pure white chalk and clay free from iron oxide. Greyish colour of cement is due to iron oxide. So, iron oxide is reduced & limited to below 1%.

Properties of White Cement:
- Loss of Ignition is Nil
- Compressive & Transverse Strength is 90% of that of 33 Grade OPC Cement.
Uses: Used for Making Terrazzo Flooring, face plaster of walls, casting stones and ornamental works.
12. Air Entraining Cement: Vinsol resin or vegetable fats, oils & fatty acids are ground with ordinary cement. These materials have the property to entrain air in the form of fine tiny air bubbles in concrete.

Properties of Air Entraining Cement:
- Improves workability and water/cement ratio can be reduced which, in turn, reduces shrinkage etc
- Minute voids are formed while setting of cement which increases resistance against freezing and scaling of salts.
Uses: Used for the same purposes as that of OPC Cement
13. Calcium Chloride Cement: It is made by adding 2% of Calcium Chloride. Since it is deliquescent, it is stored under dry conditions & should be used with a month of dispatch. It is also known as Extra Rapid Hardening Cement.

Properties of Calcium Chloride Cement:
- The rate of strength development is accelerated
- A higher percentage of Calcium Chloride causes excessive shrinkage
- Strength gained after 1 day and 7 days are 25% and 20% more than OPC Cement.
Uses: Suitable for Cold Weathers
14. Water Repellent Cement: It is manufactured with small quantity (0.1-0.5% weight of cement) of Hydrophobic surfactants such as stearic & boric acid is mixed with OPC during grinding of clinker. A thin film of acids is formed on cement particles that prevent the entry of atmospheric moisture.
The natural hydration takes place as the film breaks down when concrete is mixed which makes the mix plasticize & contribute to the formation of uniformly distributed fine pores in concrete as it hardens and thus enhances its frost resistance.

Properties of Water Repellent Cement:
- Greater water resistance and water permeability
- Specific Surface of hydrophobic cement should not be less than 350 sq. metre/kg
- Compressive Strength should be as follows:
72 + or – 1 hour not less than 15.69 N/sq.mm
168 + or – 2 hour not less than 21.57 N/sq.mm
672 + or – 4 hour not less than 30.40 N/sq.mm
Uses: Most suitable for basements and for making watertight concrete
15. Water Proof Cement: It is obtained by adding stearates of Ca, Al and gypsum treated with tannic acid at the time of grinding.

Properties of Water Proof Cement:
- Resistant to Penetration of Water
Uses: Water retaining structures like tanks, reservoirs, retaining walls, swimming pools, bridge piers, etc.
16. Coloured Portland Cement: It is made by adding 5 – 10% colouring pigments before grinding. In this, Sodium Alumino Fluoride is added as a catalyst in place of iron during burning.

Note: This cement has the same properties as that of OPC Cement & are non-staining because of low amount of soluble alkalis.
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